



The Organic & Regenerative Agriculture Collective is a grassroot network of pioneer producers who want to drive change through farming and wine.

Traditional agriculture contributes up to 25% of the emissions with a devastating impact on the environment and climate.
Organic agriculture is limiting the damage but that is not enough.

We believe that a new agriculture is possible, where man and nature work in harmony creating authentic products with a positive impact on the environment.
We believe that through organic farming we can rebuild healthy soils, draw carbon back in the ground and keep our planet healthy

O.R.A. Collective produces authentic wines that want to be a natural expression of their terroir and to have a positive impact on the environment.

ORA in italian means NOW
as in
NOW is the time to cut all
the bullshit and ACT.


O.R.A. Collective labels will focus on
communicating the brand core values:


The packaging will also refect
the core values of the project: